I just wanna share some good songs with you guys ! There are so much beats released everyday, and you may have missed some ! Brand new or good ol' stuff you might not know that could make you punish your replay button !

lundi 16 septembre 2013

**09/16/13 new update**

Akon ft. Salaam Remi - "ONE IN THE CHAMBER"

The last few years were a little bit "Akonless", which, regarding to the amount of top singles he released between 2004 and 2008, can be comprehensive but also a bit long for the millions of fans he still has.
Does this new song mark one of the biggest comeback of the year ?

Anyway, this one sounds like a 90's western movie, in which we can easily imagine Antonio Banderas shooting "bandidos" to death in some Mexican place with no name and no law. The type of movie we all love, actually. But if Akon's virtuosity to sing over any type of beat isn't to be proved anymore, it's Salaam Remi's production that makes this song so irresistible. So let's just praise this underestimated DJ before we start playing Russian roulette over that damn beat !

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